
Jagermeifter ;)

Since when does San Jacinto have bars called

"Tap Daddy's Bar"!? This place used to just be old people in trailer parks. Their Miller Lite on tap was sooo flat, but at least they have like 5 pool tables.


This water is soooo warm!

If it was like this at home, I'd be in the ocean every day!

Its about 95 degrees!

On the way to old town Mazatlan...


This guy makes good mojitos!

My Mom even ordered two! She drank more today than in the last year! :)

I'm such a good influence.

After the second one she was like "Oh no that one was stronger! Oh I know why I'm drunk, it was the straw!!!!" haha!!

The tequila factory bar!

3 bucks for all-you-can-drink tequila shots straight from the factory! My Mom could only do 1. (She even fell at the restaurant!) I lost track of Danny's after 5 but I think I had about 4 or 5? Then they talked me into riding the horse. haha



The view from my ROOM!!!!


I was messing around, taking camera phone pictures because I really liked the way the girl did my hair! Its a bummer I can't get a picture of all of it. I'll have to wait for the wedding pictures!

Tried to get the back of my hair...

She looked sooo pretty!

Melinda's sister getting her hair done

I really liked the hair girl, a lot more than the makeup girl! haha

Bride makeup time!

Oooh! Her dress is pretty!

Its almost wedding time! :)